Installation Detail: 33 Link Road
Gray Room dimensions: 19ft X 15.6ft X 13.4ft
Installation view: 33 Link Road
Thread, Thread embedded in paper, Time-lapse video
Thread drawing embedded in and extending out of Cotton Rag Paper
190″ X 79″
Detail: Gate
Thread drawing embedded in and extending out of Cotton Rag Paper
190″ X 79″
Detail: Gate
Thread drawing embedded in and extending out of Cotton Rag Paper
190″ X 79″
Detail: Gate
Thread drawing embedded in and extending out of Cotton Rag Paper
190″ X 79″
Mapping the memory Mandala
Time-lapse video of the artist mapping the illusion of her Grandparents’ living room in 33 Link Road.
6 mins, 53 secs
Installation view: 33 Link Road
Address, 33 Link Road
Thread and shadow
69″ X 36″
Installation view: 33 Link Road
Gray Room dimensions: 19ft X 15.6ft X 13.4ft
Installation view: 33 Link Road
Gray Room dimensions: 19ft X 15.6ft X 13.4ft
Installation Detail: 33 Link Road
Gray Room dimensions: 19ft X 15.6ft X 13.4ft
Installation Detail: 33 Link Road
Gray Room dimensions: 19ft X 15.6ft X 13.4ft
Installation Detail: 33 Link Road
Gray Room dimensions: 19ft X 15.6ft X 13.4ft
Garden Doors, 33 Link Road
83″ X 43.5″
Detail: Garden Doors, 33 Link Road
83″ X 43.5″
Spiral Staircase, 33 Link Road
113″ X 62″
Drawing room wall, 33 Link Road
112″ X 107.5″
Main gate, 33 Link Road
74″ X 75″
Mural wall, 33 Link Road and Detail
78″ X 57″
Veda doors, 33 Link Road
113″ X 93″
Installation Detail: 33 Link Road
Gray Room dimensions: 19ft X 15.6ft X 13.4ft
Installation Details: 33 Link Road
Gray Room dimensions: 19ft X 15.6ft X 13.4ft
Installation process: 33 Link Road
Gray Room dimensions: 19ft X 15.6ft X 13.4ft
Installation process: 33 Link Road
Gray Room dimensions: 19ft X 15.6ft X 13.4ft
33 Link Road
Gate 2
Thread embedded in paper
19″ X 16″
Indigo Veda door
Thread drawing embedded in Abaca
83.5″ X 35.5″
Process: Gate
Making Cotton Rag paper and Embedding Thread drawings
Architectural fragments from the artist’s family home (33 Link Road) in exact life-size measurements.
33 Link Road
Singh’s work often renders familiar form into insubstantial mirages, challenging its solidity and by extension the fixity of meaning and the intimacy of knowing that it symbolizes. She transforms form into illusions, perceptual hiccups or ethereal surfaces of lace and thread which appear to levitate like embroideries on air.
For this exhibition, viewers are invited to walk through a labyrinthine space of staggered, veil-like architectural facades based on specific places of emotional resonance for the artist. Made in white thread, these skeletal membranes feature life-size, embroidered architectural fragments from various homes Singh has lived in, particularly 33 Link Road – the family home built in Delhi soon after partition, when her grandparents migrated from Pakistan to India.
Singh lived in several states and countries but the idea of home was continually tethered to this one address (stated as the permanent address in all official documents until a few years ago). A site of gathering, story-telling, embroidering and knitting in the sun, family weddings and sleepovers, a room at the back where her mother was born and a room in the front where her grandfather died – this home, a container of potent memories, now lies unoccupied.
Addressing the temporal nature of both – the form and the meaning of ‘home’, the gallery transforms into an ethereal installation of transparent windows, doors, hinges, gates, staircases and brick walls, overlapping to evoke resonances, contradictions, harmonies and dissonances from certain vantage points while offering clear openings into the spaces behind from other viewing positions. Hard architectural form transforms into soft, tactile skins and the language of memory finds resonance in these veil-like, white surfaces; flattened as if preserved within the pages of book.
Vadehra Art Gallery, Delhi
Exhibit 320, Delhi, India
CSMVS museum, Mumbai, India
KNMA (Kiran Nadar Museum of Art), Noida, India
Asia Pacific Triennial QAGOMA
Aicon Contemporary, New York & 1X1 Art Gallery, Dubai
Kiran Nadar Museum of Art, Delhi
Sakshi Gallery, Mumbai, India
Hermès, The Chanakya, New Delhi
Architectural Thread Drawings
Wilfrid Israel Museum, Israel
Belgrade Biennale/ 58th October Salon, Serbia
Dr. Bhau Daji Lad Mumbai City Museum
India Art Fair/ FOCUS
C24 Gallery, New York, USA
Exhibit 320, New Delhi, India
Saatchi Gallery, London, UK & Art Houz, Chennai, India
Botanical Thread Drawings & Vitrines